What is gingivitis? How to cure gingivitis naturally? Let’s explain.
Gingivitis is simply a condition whose symptoms are inflammation on the gums.
This oral health problem mainly affects the gum line with bacteria accumulating in the cavity of the mouth and causes infections. With the accumulation of the bacteria on the gums, a periodontal disease called periodontitis develops and advances with time.

The bacteria produces toxins that cause the flesh of the gums to start decaying and rot in the process. As this process continues to unfold, teeth start to loosen slowly. This is due to the fact that the bacteria creates small pocket like gaps between the gums and the teeth. These pocket like gaps become bacteria sites that are produced and this process starts speeding up.
At advanced stages, periodontal disease leads to falling out of teeth. This condition is due to poor hygiene that causes the accumulation of bacteria. Insufficient teeth brushing or even flossing leads to accumulation of very harmful bacteria. Here are 7 best techniques on how to cure gingivitis naturally at home.
Oral Hygiene
Hygiene is very crucial in maintaining healthy teeth. It is, therefore, important that you improve on your daily hygiene. Particles of food tend to stick in teeth especially after meals. Someone with gingivitis condition should prioritize regular teeth brushing, and particularly after meals. While brushing teeth, always maintain an angle of 45 degrees against the gum-line is so as to ensure that most of the accumulated food particles are removed from the gums.
It is important that the chewing surface of the teeth is brushed gently using the back-to-forth technique, and remember to always brush the tongue as it harbors numerous bacteria if not properly cleaned. Do this using a soft brush that prevents bleeding of the tongue.
Clove Oil
Clove oil has over the years been used as a dental-alternative medicine for teeth that are painful. The clove oil is mainly extracted from clove-plant that originates from India and Indonesia. Studies show that it contains analgesic and antibacterial qualities; these make clove oil suitable as a pain reliever. The oil is found naturally in its raw form; herbal-formulated as an alternative medicine. Clove oil is affordable and a reliable alternative medicine for dental care and particularly helps cases of dental-ailments that result from bacterial-infections. Clove oil is very easy to use at home. The patient is required to put little amount on a cotton-swab cloth and rub gently against the area infected. This aids in relieving pain and reduces the multiplication of bacteria that may cause a plague in the mouth. One can decide as well to add a clove in a cup of tea to help in relieving pain. Chewing can also help in pain relief.

Avoid Sweets and Sugar
Most foods that we eat these days contain bacteria which remain in the cavities of the mouth. This then causes a plague in the mouth that leads to gingivitis. To avoid more damage, therefore, the gingivitis patient should avoid a lot of sweets and sugar since these boost bacterial infections in the mouth. Eat fresh fruits that provide the required minerals to the body and the gums. Vegetables, calcium rich food and carrots are also recommended to help in the process. Yogurt and cheese intake are also useful in controlling and reducing bacteria amount in the mouth.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has been in use for the last over 5000 years, and has been proven effective in its healing-qualities. Aloe Vera was used in the ancient ages as a beauty product and also in treating kidney problems. It has been used in cleaning teeth and in reducing gum infections several times. Aloe Vera eliminates bacteria accumulation that causes plaque in the mouth that leads to gingivitis. The product also contains chemicals that have attributes of reliving pain and in addition, sooth the inflamed teeth and also gums. Simply extract the Aloe Vera gel and gently apply on the infected area; do not swallow it.

Salt has also been used in the past years as a disinfectant at home. A teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water and then gargling is very effective in killing bacteria and in keeping the mouth fresh. Triphala can also be gargled; it contains special ingredients that are very effective in fighting bacteria in the mouth, thus reducing gingivitis.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is highly recommended as a remedy because of the lucrative nature it has. It was first introduced as oral hygiene in the 1980’s. It was recommended that it be used by people with gum problems with a mixture of salt. This is very effective in reducing harmful bacterial infections in the mouth. Rubbing the teeth with baking soda and also brushing the gums is a very effective technique in treating the condition at home.
Water with Apple Vinegar
Warm water with apple cider vinegar is also an effective home technique for treating gingivitis. Gargle the mixture for some time and do not swallow the solution.
There are other several ways on how to cure gingivitis- maintenance of a good oral health; flossing and tooth brushing, proper daily diet, change in lifestyle, for instance, quitting smoking and even alcohol. In addition, visit your dentist regularly and practice natural mouthwash to complement your daily care routine.
Gingivitis signs include: swollen gums, gums start being painful and surrounding teeth while brushing or eating. Redness of the gums, foul breath, redness within the teeth and bleeding gums among other symptoms. These result to gums receding and expose the roots of the teeth. Acute gingivitis basically results to foul taste and loosening and eventual loss of one’s teeth. If you notice such symptoms, consult your dentist.
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